Since 1920, American Legion Post 581 has made honoring local Veterans a priority. Each year on Memorial Day, they host an event to pay respect to soldiers whose lives were lost while protecting our freedom, and every Veteran’s Day, they hold a ceremony to show thanks for military members and their families who have made sacrifices for our country. Even this year, when Covid restrictions didn’t allow the events to take place as usual, Legion members figured out a way to host social-distance friendly ceremonies while spectators participated from their vehicles.
Honoring Veterans on Veteran’s Day and Every Day
Just as the staff of Post 581 feels passionately about our Veterans, they also love to support our community in any way they can. For many years they have offered Sunday bingo games, Queen of Hearts contests, and weekly fish fries to allow friends and family to congregate together. They also sponsor local boy scout troops, and organize annual picnics with proceeds used to develop Columbia American Legion Memorial Park. While this year brought about its challenges when it came to organizing these traditional events, they were still able to host a Songs4Soldiers Drive-thru BBQ which raised $16,000 for combat veterans.
It’s safe to say that HTC loves everything Post 581 stands for. We’re proud that they’ve chosen us to provide Internet, phone and TV service for many years, and we know that they will continue to support this community well after the Covid pandemic has ended.