Combat spam calls Harrisonville Telephone Company home phone business phone

 There are a lot of great benefits to having a landline, like 911 pinpoint accuracy to keep your family safe. But you can also have a lot of unwanted calls come through. Whether you’d like fewer calls from businesses you’re just not interested in, or from scammers trying to steal your information, we have some tips to combat spam calls.


Three Tips to Combat Spam Calls


Join the National Do Not Call Registry

If you don’t want to receive calls from telemarketers, you can ask to be added to The National Do Not Call Registry. It’s a list that tells legitimate businesses what numbers they cannot call. It may not stop all unwanted telemarketers from getting through, but will reduce calls significantly.


Beware of Caller ID

Persistent scammers will often show up on Caller ID as a business you’re familiar with, or as a government organization. Sometimes, they manipulate the number they’re calling from to start with a “939” or “281” to trick you into thinking it’s someone local calling. If you don’t specifically recognize the number, let it go through to voicemail. And if they don’t leave a message and keep calling, go ahead and block that number and report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).


Explore Call Blocking Options

Did you know that HTC has call blocking features available for your home or office landline? We outline options on our website or for more detailed information, our friendly customer service representatives are available to explain all the available features.


Need Help Stopping Annoying Landline Calls?

At HTC, we do all we can to make sure you have the best experience with your phone service. Just call 618-939-6112 and we can walk you through how to reduce unwanted calls. We’ll be happy to help.



Harrisonville Telephone Company is a provider of reliable, cost-effective Internet (for streaming, gaming, surfing, viewing, listening, downloading, and more), television (hundreds of channels, free HD, VOD access and more), and phone ( unlimited local and long distance, voicemail, caller ID, etc.). Want to learn more about our great home or business bundles? Visit our website, call us at 618-939-6112, or fill out our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.