Interested in faster internet?
We are continually upgrading our network. If you are interested in upgrading your Internet speeds, we would like to hear from you!
We offer the following packages to subscribers in Fiber Internet areas:
Fiber 250
250 Mbps/250 Mbps
Fiber 500
500 Mbps/500 Mbps
Fiber 1000
1000 Mbps/1000 Mbps
Fiber 2000
2000 Mbps/2000 Mbps
Fiber 5000
5000 Mbps/5000 Mbps
Contact Us
Please let us know your contact information. We will review your address for possible speed upgrades and reach out to you soon.
*Package speeds listed are only for residential customers. Call 618.939.6112 for business offers. Maximum speeds may vary by location.
**Selecting a package does not change your current speed, or obligate you to upgrade. However, indicating your interest in upgrading helps us to determine the interest in higher speed fiber packages in your area. This helps us plan our network upgrades to serve you best.