These community businesses are known for great customer service. We’re happy to help them succeed with HTC Internet and phone service!
HTC Internet and Phone Service Customers
Pie Hard
If you’re looking for a not-so-typical pizza place, head to this family-owned restaurant in the heart of Waterloo. Pie Hard is a scratch kitchen that uses fresh ingredients sourced from local farms. Their menu changes with the season, but also has steady favorites like the popular farmhouse salad, and island pie with candied bacon and pickled pineapple. For anyone with a sweet tooth, Pie Hard offers six delicious flavors of frozen custard, and of course a full selection of cold beverages and cocktails.
When they’re not serving customers weekday lunches or Sunday brunch, the staff is hard at work planning fun trivia nights, pizza cooking classes, and pop-up theme nights like Harry Potter’s birthday. Pie Hard is truly a unique Monroe County destination serving awesome food and fun to local residents, and HTC is happy to help their business run smoothly with dependable HTC Internet and phone service.
Waterloo and Red Bud Garden Place
Whether seniors reside in the independent living or assistant living, they are sure to love calling Garden Place home. From fun group trips to engaging activities, residents enjoy companionship while getting the support they need to live their best life. After spending so many years working, doing housework, and mowing the lawn, it’s time to say goodbye to responsibility and hello to a world where they can relax.
The staff at Garden Place in Waterloo and Red Bud have a big job of not only ensuring current residents are happy with their living situation, but also reaching out to seniors in the community who are looking for a new home. Using HTC Internet and phone service allows them to answer email inquiries and calls about their offerings. With our help, we hope they can continue to live up to their excellent reputation.
Need dependable phone and Internet for your small business?
HTC Internet and phone services can help you focus on customers, while we take care of the rest. Call 618-939-6112 to discuss the best options for your business needs.
Harrisonville Telephone Company is a provider of reliable, cost-effective Internet (for streaming, gaming, surfing, viewing, listening, downloading, and more), television (hundreds of channels, free HD, VOD access and more), and phone ( unlimited local and long distance, voicemail, caller ID, etc.). Want to learn more about our great home or business bundles? Visit our website, call us at 618-939-6112, or fill out our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.