Do you love to listen to Pandora on your phone as you walk around Red Bud city parks? When in Waterloo, do you surf, post or check email while waiting for friends in the town square? Lucky for you, you don’t have to use up your own data to do any of these things!
HTC provides FREE public Wi-Fi in all Red Bud city parks, as well as around the Waterloo Courthouse square. Simply search for FREE Wi-Fi (from HTC) while at any of these locations, and you’ll be connected at no cost to you. Share a photo on Facebook of your kids on a Red Bud slide, Google menus for your favorite Waterloo restaurants, and take comfort in knowing that you won’t be pushing your own data plan over its limit.
Providing free public Wi-Fi in Red Bud and Waterloo is just one more way to show that HTC cares about our community. We want residents to enjoy the outdoors and the wonderful establishments available without having to worry about staying connected. We’re proud to be a hometown company providing hometown service, so please take advantage of our gift to you!